Create things that are Worthwhile

Hi there Earthling, welcome to my corner of the Internet. My name is Ilsmarie Presilia, and I am a Digital Product Designer and Brand Strategist based in Houten, Netherlands.

“What is worthwhile?” you ask. To me, worthwhile is work that is effective at making others’ lives easier - allowing them to flourish as a result. But there’s a caveat, usually worthwhile work is not easy for the one doing it. And that is completely fine by me.

See, as an autodidact and ponderer, I’ve come to realise that a lot of us talk about solving problems, but only solve as far as we are comfortable. As a result, most of the time, we end up solving symptoms of a problem rather than the actual problem itself. These lead to poor decisions that end up costing valuable resources such as energy, time and money.
Thus, these days I no longer call myself a Problem-solver; no, I’m a Truth-seeker. To solve problems, one must be somewhat obsessed with seeking out the truth and defining it properly - untapped territory for most.